
Doing Retail in the Nordic Baltic community: from design construction of stores to digital transformation

  Doing Retail networking on LinkedIn Although the retail workgroup has demonstrated energy and ability in doing stuff in many countries around the world, the use of networking facilities and online platform is for many still something far away. However, the hub provides a LinkedIn group if some of the members want to do networking. […]

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Lack in IT security: firewall is not enough according to GDPR. An academic explanation

  An important topic for IT administrators and many entrepreneurs of the community for innovation & smartcities. The redaction of B2BALTIC has collected important explanations about IT and the cybersecurity. The new data protection regulation launched in May 2018 explains actually that there are common mistakes made by IT responsabile of server and data-banks structures. […]

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10 Years. Italy Baltic Accelerator growing also in corona times.

  Redaction of B2BALTIC Magazine talks about the prestigious Italian Baltic startups & trading “hub” that since 2013 has been the first “media-talented” European acceleration-centre for managing investments and projects between Italian “elegance-class” entrepreneurship and the Nordics. And viceversa, moving Nordic talent focus towards to Italy. The trading centre has been involved in international development […]

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B2BALTIC Tech Hub: international workgroups with digital transformation in the DNA

Presence on LinkedIn since 2014… The community also offer a LinkedIn group, which counts about 400 members (see list of B2BALTIC LinkedIn groups with over 17.000 members on the professional network of LinkedIn According to statistics the hub has connections around the world with over 3500 system-integrator: this makes easier to find local partners, resellers […]

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CozyChick the next generation of eggs packaging for industries & health-caring retailers

  Our redaction has interviewed CozyChick, the disruptor of the eggs industry from the Nordics. CozyChick scientists and developers have launched in Sweden a smart health eggs-package. But not only! CozyChick made a video to explain not only food industries and retailers but also people, why use of smart eggs packaging is so important for […]

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