Smartcities are becoming also digitalcities, this you have already noticed. But “Smart” does no longer mean just integration of technology, traffic management and apps, but also social safety, improved community engagement and security in any district. The development process does no longer exclude countrysides and small-micro communities, which stay totally out in the actual old smartcity concepts. All communities, no matter if big or small, interact each other through a decentralized network towards to a P2P (peer-to-peer) instead the classic business-to-business and business-to-consumers old approach.
Blockchains are going to be used all the time
The Movement for Smart&Digitalcities wants to make possible a “zero” gap between person and business, between legal person and private person meaning, which represents nowadays a discriminatory bureaucratic gap. It means in the future anybody can act as a business and sell legally easily anything. Blockchain and cryptocurrency finally show up in this development process as disruptors to increase exchange of goods and services, speed up interaction, create base for new engagement or even cultural/educational entertainment, minimize middle-part/broker costs.

This is the necessarily trend and principle launched by the movement, together with its advocate B2BALTIC, under the angel investors of Janetschek & Partners Engineering & Attorneys . Janetschek is experimenting new business-to-business models based on social engagement, interactive WebTV, and modern infomercials. His approach is oriented to improvement of life quality, reducing stress for humans. Especially, 1) make possible to communicate better real information, instead fake news, 2) governments can better communicate their policies or other national security notifications, 3) in a fair way build reputation based on “individual performance” 4) make anybody a spontaneous “tax payer” without any need of strict (and social expensive) individual control, 5) reduce the violence in the big cities, 6) increase the attention to social issues and spontaneous donations.
The Global Movement Smart&Digitalcities™ is apolitical, although also target the introduction of new “community concepts” and may propose new laws. The claim for new policies,
to make the modern smartcities safe;
for a new integration policy for immigrants;
for political fairness between opposite political forces, and more social communicative in the same time, not always a dirty fight and poison campaign against the others;
for dialogue with all political parties in a city, listening politicians of different political orientation;
to provide city developers, global local communities and municipalities with advises, consulting, technology, blockchains;
for organizing events or networking;
to decentralize network;
for spreading the voice regionally and globally of the global innovators about their smart tools, regardless from the marketing budget;
how to the movement? you can join B2BALTIC, the European Hub for Trading-Innovation & Smartcities. No matter where you are from, it´s global. B2BALTIC is a community that advocates the movement. Memberships plans in B2BALTIC are: stand-by member (free), participant (event contributor), sponsor (contributor), donor, premium. There is an extra opportunity for those who own good professional video contents: You can upload your videos to B2BALTIC video cloud platform or make webinars for the Webinars TV. The first TV cloud in EU to talk about smart stuffs and smartcities with a B2B attitude, an orientation to sales-empowering! The movement adopts several professional networks to spread social business initiatives. For example is available also on LinkedIn group with over 6000 members: group Smart&Digitalcities.

Global aims of the Movement for Smart and Digitalcities
The members of the non-governmental apolitical GLOBAL MOVEMENT SMART&DIGITALCITIES™ support a new development of the communities of people, big and small ones, all over the world, believing in, and targeting in their development the following main points:
- communities of people integrate digital-transformation processes oriented to communication of information for any purpose;
- smartcities target integration of technology and new mobile applications for general traffic management, and aim the safety, culture improvement, entertainment and social integration of the citizens, travelers and guests inside the city community;
- smartcities adopt decentralized systems and decentralized networks interconnected to each other, similar to “Internet” concept, to exchange with other cities through a human-to-human interaction, which has been kept hidden in the actual “old” digital communication way;
- central system is substituted with a self-managed pipeline making easier communication and exchange without a central inter-connector;
- small cities, villages and countryside are not excluded, not discriminated, active part of decentralized networks of collaborative cities and communities;
- business-to-business sales and transactional processes as well as the business-to-consumer ones are based on a peer-to-peer interaction instead using middle structures, saving extra technical middle costs;
- social safety and city-security beyond obsolete surveillance systems by cameras;
- development of digital reputation and social trust inside the communities; personal reputation improvement on digital networks absolutely not based on “points” assigned by States, public register nor automation, but instead based on reviews and open pools of real persons or users;
- integration of new citizen or legal migrants inside the communities with new migration policies, transforming the welcome-culture into a knowledge-culture, with a new set of clear rules, making possible synergies on cultural gaps, reducing necessarily social risks for the communities and negative impacts for communities and guests;
- new form of blockchains for a P2P safe transaction, not only for payments in cryptocurrency but also for exchanging media and video contents without the use of central hosting platforms;
- subcommunities of retailers to empower local business exchange, districts in the same city, to support growth also of small retailers, not only of big chains;
- corporate and personal webplatforms or webpages become first of all a human presentation of products and services rather than a digital changable dress;
- interactive webtelevision as new form for real time exchange, for any purpose, personal or business, real “raw” political show, and for effective entertainment instead the old television centralized media political brainwashing;
- generation of smart mobility systems based on optimized use of resources, reducing the environmental negative impact of the traffic;
- common international support of all kind of initiative, new projects development, policies, beyond any city border, to achieve the goals of this movement.
- development of monitor apolitical structures for controlling and keeping a more equal distribution of the power and safety in the cities, avoiding situation such as difference between districts of the same city more or less safe than the other ones;
- development of monitor apolitical structures for controlling the education and social safety of youth families and kids, acting wheever need of social assistance is found; families and kids are vital for the future of the communities;
- development of increased networking culture with ethic code to help communications, content exchange and reducing spam, abuse, network criminality;
- more respectful maintenance of global ecosystems and improvement of sustainability techniques;
- improved ethic in business processes: more transparency with providing publish clear ethic codes and written visible rules at the base of any B2B, B2C or P2P process;
- organization, launch, sponsorship or promotion of events oriented to talk and discuss about smartcities development, research, design of new community policies;
- new regulations for social media networks Facebook and YouTube to protect new generations and keep clean-networks; termination of fake accounts and ruling of fake news;
- any further development and tools for targeting the above mentioned points.