Center & Community “position vacancy” on B2BALTIC 2020-21 and corona-times
- THE WHITE CROSS INTERNATIONAL is hiring in Tallinn and Riga medical doctors, social workers with experience in supporting families, disabled people, and paramedic operators for the forming new White Cross sections of Estonia and Latvia. For information contact our TV redaction or directly the White Cross: https://www.thewhitecross.org/
- THE GLOBAL MOVEMENT SMART&DIGITALCITIES is the first free apolitical movement in the world with television network for smartcities. The movement is selecting country-advocate for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Austria, to spread the movement´s word. The movement also in Corona times is influencing smartcities and local governments. Non-Profit organization. The new advocate may open a new office, create a new Association (registered NGO) and receive exclusive regional position. For info contact directly the movement: https://www.smartdy.tv/members/smartdigitalcities/
- TV STARTUPS WOMEN is boosting female initiative exclusively, in several kind of industries such us Real Estate development, Smartcity, IT & Tech, Sailing & Yachting, Bio & Tech, Food, Fashion, Art & Design, Media. You let startuppers talk, inspire, record, interview, engage in smart networking or events. It connects smart ideas to capital markets and smart investors worldwide. Startups TV WOMEN is searching for a woman entrepreneur, speaker and communicator to be the new leader and protagonist of Startups TV WOMEN globally. Requirment: know-how of the business and startups scene; interest in global development; high communication skills with experience in managing or speaking at corporate events in English; interest in development of female founders as well as also supporting initiative of other startuppers regarless of the gender; at least co-investing 4500 EUR for startup shares, minimal equipment, connections to CDNs and base training to start effectively. Location: our leader shall be based in one of the following cities: Helsinki, Stockholm, Warsaw, Copenhagen, Vienna, Zurich, Milan, New-York, Dubai, Riga, Amsterdam or Vilnius. Revenues: success-sharing, portfolio-sharing, personal image worlwide boosting, investment-fee revenue for you up to 4% of the whole funded amount for each project (projects for funding usually transact from 40K to 12M Euro when got funded.
- TV STARTUPS WOMEN / STARTUPS TV 24 is opening new partner-studios around the globe with minimal Video/TV equipment for local Startups, Investment pitches and interview. What Startups TV/Women requires: Communication skills, English, experience in business talks or journalism or legal. Type of revenues: sharing-based, success-sharing, audience-sharing, local portfolio sharing, all fees-sharing. Investment required: from 4k to 7k EUR to create your own TV-Studio, connect to Startups TV global network CDNs, complying with Directors TV 24 format for business executives, base hardware equipment, configuration on site, training on site to start effectively.
- WEBINARS TV is selecting 1-2 more “webinator” partners to outsource production of webinars. Webinars TV facilitate industrial trade producing webinars and providing different types of webinar-platforms around the globe. Webinars are trendy and a “must” for many industries above all in IT solutions, technology, machinery. Webinars TV requires you to have know-how about webinars with experience in production of webinars in English for IT industries at least, understanding and management of the live-chat function and understand of the broadcasting processes whenever the webinar is connected via CDN, Facebook, YouTube Live. Social media skills, plus strong sales and marketing skills are required. Revenues: our members can pay you as recommended directly or Webinars TV team will pay you.
- DIRECTORS TV 24 on B2BALTIC is searching cameraperson partners for filming member´s conference global. Competence in film making, video-editing, post-production, also using Facebook-Live, Twitter-Live and YouTube-Live, interviews skills are required. Type of revenues: success-sharing, fees-sharing, video-content sharing with your account, trip refunds.
- ITALY BALTIC TRADING HUBis searching for Directors/President Partner. Italy-Baltic is the biggest and trendiest Startups & Trade hub with Italian entrepreneurs and business travelers as protagonist. It is becoming most probably the next Italian-Baltic Chamber of Commerce, which is not yet existing in Europe. Retail, realestate and food have been hot-topic since 2013. The hub has nowadays 70% Italian business entities registered and 30% from the Nordics interested in Doing Business in Italy. The structure is a network of clubs, NGOs, famous entrepreneurs, startups or top enterprises in group. Type of revenues: dividends sharing, hub success sharing, fees-sharing, portfolio-sharing, return-of-image revenues, other revenues depending on position and activities. The partner may live in the Baltic countries or in Italy. The partner may use the hub also for its own business purpose.
- B2BALTIC ESTONIA is searching for Managing Director / Director for an associate Estonian startups. Up to 24% of shares are given. Finland, Estonia and Europe are territories for trade. The startup is management-consultant and authorized supplier of B2BALTIC. Minimal investment required: 3500 EUR. Investment recommended at least: 6400 EUR (to create a TV Studio with base equipment and connect to regional Baltic CDN and global). Skills required: sales & marketing, communication. Know-how of Estonia.
- B2BALTIC in Helsinki or Lithuania, Vilnius B2BALTIC is searching for Partners to create a new NGO with social targets: business networking organization, event management, women & entrepreneurship (to empower Startups TV WOMEN), kids causes, donations and funding management. Requirment: interest in social business or social purpose first; know-how of the NGO world; the partner is citizen and resident in Finland or Lithuania, will be entitled of position in NGO at least as board-member . Other requirments: Finnish or Lithuanian, Englisch, Russian, engineering or financial background, sales & marketing with communication skills.
Here we are, how to contact
Contact the redaction of B2BALTIC to talk with the related department.